Many who grew up in Miami in the 50s, 60s and 70s will remember that we had our share of kookie artists and bohemians. One of the best known was Lewis Vandercar who just referred to himself only as Vandercar. Vandercar lived in the Morningside area at 331 NW 18th St., with his wife and two kids son David and daughter Muggins, where he had his studio and home. His home was run like a salon where anyone could come at anytime and visit. Many of the neighborhood kids loved to come and play in the sculptor garden. As an artist, Vandercar painted and sculpted in cement, his garden filled with his statues and his home with his paintings. Vandercar was a mysterious figure that liked to say he was a warlock and a clairvoyant. He called himself "Magus Supreme, pro tem of the Supreme Order of Magi" and someone with mysterious powers, specifically ESP and the power to levitate. He hinted about incarnations and said an alien entered his body as a young man.

However, Vandercar's most interesting quirk was his very funny pranks. He would take out ads in the local newspaper which were very funny. He said he had a pet poltergeist, and then tried to sell it through a classified ad. His classified ads in the Miami Herald were frequent: “Sale: Swamp colored UFO. Must qualify.” “Free Cruise to Bahamas, Bring oar.” “Electric car. $25,000. Extension cord extra.” He sold "roc eggs" in one ad. He said he rediscovered the ancient secret formula to make and impregnate the eggs of rocs, mythological birds. A woman bought the eggs and had them shipped to her Chicago home. Later, Vandercar admitted the eggs were really made of garbage piling up in back of his home. He didn’t want to haul it away, so he covered it in plaster. He didn’t tell the lady, but sent her a check for the shipping costs. VanDercar later explained: “There is some sense of the ridiculous that can be carried to such an extreme that it becomes beautiful. Take the time I predicted that a great extinct primitive bird was going to appear at midnight in the park. The newspapers exposed it as a hoax. Even so, at midnight, 150 people showed up in the park to see the bird. That was beauty.”

Born in Detroit, Vandercar never got beyond 8th grade and entered the Navy during the Depression to help support his family. In the late 1930s, he became an animator, drawing Popeye cartoons from his Miami studio. He entered the Merchant Marine in World War II and later worked as an aircraft engineer. He returned to Miami, where he worked construction jobs and ran a plumbing shop. Then he learned he could make a living from his hobby, painting and sculpting. He decorated an exterior wall of his house with faces of every age and culture, Greek gods, sea monsters, heroines, gargoyles, Moses, faces from Egypt and India and China, and many other places. He also created mountains for resorts and amusement parks, and built a gorilla’s lair for Monkey Jungle in South Dade’s Redlands. In 1971 he built "Annie", a giant dragon, 65 feet long and 35 feet high for a Merritt Island Park. Twenty tons of concrete and steel were brought in to ‘Dragon Point’ by wheelbarrow, as the only access was a wooden boardwalk. He left Miami in 1973 and bought an 14 acre parcel of land in Zephyrhills where he built a dome house of his own design and continued to sculpt and paint In 1984, he returned to Miami for a short while to repaint a reconstructed limestone bridge at Arch Creek Park. He painted the concrete and iron used to rebuild the bridge so it would look like limestone. He was still painting days before his death in 1988.

“He spent 30 years and died doing what he liked,” his son said. “Not many people are able to do that.” Vandercar once said: “Many people think what I do is ridiculous, but not intelligent people. Most people are fearful and they don’t enjoy life because they’re afraid to take a change and do what they want. So intelligent people admire your courage.” It's a shame Miami no longer attracts the Vandercars of this world.
If anyone is interested in buying a one of a kind painting by VanDercar, please see this listing on eBay: 250196395340. This item was listed on 12-09-2007 and will end on 12-19-2007 around 2:00pm EST.
I just found out that VanDercar died (Today October 30, 2008). I met him in Quail Holow while visiting my relatives in 1986. Invited me into his home and entertained me with his magic tricks and his wacky rendition of "Puff the Magic Dragon" on his upright piano. I feel I am very lucky to have seen the inside of his home back then, and his pet golden retriever shaved to resemble a lion! I still have photos of the inside of his hurricane-proof "cave" home. I remember him inviting me down to Miami to help him paint/build a bridge. I was only 20 at the time but remember him and his photos and coins all over his home walls..........I have always treasured that memory back in June 1986. You will always be remembered by me VanDercar!!!!!
Glenn Hustadt (Canadian living and teaching in Harbin, China) glennstadt@gmail.com
We have "Witches Retreat " Oil painting very large. Could be one of his best pieces. Incredible detail and faces. mint condition. Offered for sale. Call or Email for pictures and pricing. info@palmbeachfineart.com......(561) 352-6265 ask for Bill
I knew David Vandercar well at the University of Miami in the late 60s. We lived not far from the Vandercar family home in Miami and used to drive by and admire the whimsey.
Best to David and his family.
Beatrice del Perugia
I have several paintings and sculptures but my dear friend's work is not for sale. I treasure it and the memories in Miami and in Quail Hollow. His memorial service was something I'll never forget. Anyone who was there would understand when I say that I have a little piece of him right here in my home.
Lewis Vandercar was a friend of my Dad. Somewhere we have an old black & white photo when we were at his home in Miami in the earily 60's,there was a wall surrounding his property, with sculptures all over the place (tiki's that looked like Easter Island & Gargoyles). To this day my Sister has a couple of small gargoyle statues that Lewis gave to my Dad. I still remember the "HUGE" sculpture he had for sale on 7th Avenue of the dragon w/ a lady riding it.It's sad to lose a great artist, but he'll be remembered in all the peices he did.
I spent many hours of my childhood at his Quail Hollow home. He was an amazing artist and a fascinating person!! I still own a couple of his sculptures and have them proudly displayed in my home. Some of my fondest childhood memories involve listening to his stories, watching his magic tricks, and exploring his amazing home and property!!
I've been to his place in Quail Hollow many times and remember his Halloween Parties as well! He said little leprechauns would come out of the woods but they never showed because of the disbelievers... LOL
Loved this guy!
Can the public still view his property?
Just so happens that I drove by his property the other day to show a friend of my daughters...There were people out in the yard, but the mail box was gone. We didnt try to go up. I too visited in the 80's and got the pleasure of seeing the inside of his home.. I remember he was a little weird but very nice...he always kept the gate open and we skipped school to go see the warlock which was what we called him. I remember the tree in the middle of the house and the money room upstairs somewhere. He was very nice and I'm so glad I got to meet him. Then several years later. A guy I dated had a painting of his I dont know how he got it but it was very cool. Wish I could have kept it. I also heard they had a party for him when he passed away and a helicopter spread his ashes over everyone that was there... I was only 18 in 1985. Then he passed away in 1988 so I didnt get the pleasure of going to one of his parties but I would have loved to.
I too grew up hearing the name Vandercar. I have one of his statues that he gave me. She stands against my house, facing the road. It has very sentimental value to me. I have fond memories of going to his house many times. I will never forget this amazing man.
I was going through my Moms paintings and found two paintings and two heads that appear to be made out of coral by VanDercar. One of the paintings has his signature, 65 and "The Jester" on the back. I was curious and looked him up, to my surprise we had art work from an amazing and well known artist. You never know the history that you have in your home
I used to visit him in Zephyrhills, Fl when he lived in the round house. I loved him!
We have an orginial painting of the ritual of the unicorn if anyone is interested in buying, please e-mail @lowcostparalegals2000@yahoo.com. Thanks
In college 1959, the Miami News did a piece on LV. I went to interview him, and that was a start or a 50+ year friendship. I have the original "Garden of Eden" hanging in my collection along side Miro, Picasso, and Dali. Am the owner of Pygmalion, a poltergeist he gave me, and she has been my protector for 50+ years. (If you remember, you could only have a LV poltergeist if you could think of a name beginning in "P" that no one else had used.) I last saw him in ZH when he finished the tree house. He was a great, under-appreciate artist, and my friend. I miss him.
I have an original VanDercar painting that I would like to sell.
This piece has been in my family since 1964. My father dates the piece from 1961-1963. He purchased it from a close friend who was a collector/friend of the artist. Please call 786-200-9747 or webmaster@dvdrweb.com and I'd be happy to e-mail a picture!
I have paintings and sculptures from Lewis Vandercar for sale. perrysmithconstruction@yahoo.com
I have a 52" wide oil on canvas from Lewis and it is a seascape with sail boat, I think it is from the earlier works when he first got out of the military. The piece is called Odyssey! I am asking $15,000.00
Photo's are available.
Lewis VanDercar is largely undiscovered, his work will rise in value as it matures and decreases in availability!
this painting is a must see! and Rare!
Hello Dave ! Can you get in touch with the son of Lewis Vandercar ? I'm hosting a "say good bye to annie the river dragon " event on facebook.Held by Save Dragon point on Facebook. I would like his son to join the event. If anyone knows how to reach him , can you ask him to contact me at savedragonpoint@gmail.com
Please hurry ! Theres only 10 days or so to work him into the event if he would like to be in it ! Thank you guys !
By the way .... Come join us !
dragon point was part of my child hood i used to go down the grand canal and watch it on my boat, I hope that it is rebuilt to its former glory!
Lewis was my grandfathers cousin. My family has a couple of paintings and I don't know the names of them off the top of my head. They are much darker then his usual art though. Very beautiful.
I would often visit Van when I was a teenager after school at his home in Miami hanging out in his studio. I so much enjoyed listening to his many stories, watching him paint, & playing his upright Steinway paino. A couple of years later, when I was attending USF, David was my psychology professor. I still have 2 paintings. One is a self portait of Van. I aslo have a face sculpture he called Onwi.
I would often visit Van when I was a teenager after school at his home in Miami hanging out in his studio. I so much enjoyed listening to his many stories, watching him paint, & playing his upright Steinway paino. A couple of years later, when I was attending USF, David was my psychology professor. I still have 2 paintings. One is a self portait of Van. I aslo have a face sculpture he called Onwi.
I have currently been to warlock house and i must say vandercar's legacy lives on i enjoy being able to partake in the events.
I have currently been to warlock house and i must say vandercar's legacy lives on i enjoy being able to partake in the events.
Do you still have any VanDercar Paintings?
Wesley Chapel
I have a very dark surreal painting by Van Dercar I am interested in selling. It is signed but there is no name for the painting. I was told the previous owner got the painting from Van Dercar before the paint was even dry. I am trying to find a price for this painting or any info on it. If you might know please email me and I can send you pics. It is a awesome painting. Thanks. annb05@yahoo.com
I have a painting titled Merlin and have been told that he considered this a self portrait of himself. I am interested in determining a value and possibly selling. If anyone has any suggestions I am open for help. Bob
Sorry to disappoint you Robert but after a great deal of research I have seen his paintings for sale at $150 in several places. I believe some were part of an estate sale and others sold at auction. In other words, they are only worth as much as someone is willing to pay. If you find a fan of Vandercar, they may be willing to pay more or there may be collectors but considering he sold them from his home for $100 each, the value has not gone up very much. I wouldn't sell mine for any amount of money because he was too important to me as a friend. I also have a sculpted bust of him that is a perfect likeness and a picture of him that I took. Good luck and I hope you are able to do better than what I've seen so far.
Greg Coale:
I spent a few days around 1967 when I was a teenager with Van Dercar in his Studio.
The first afternoon he introduced himself to me there, he noticed I was deeply studying his oil paintings. We began our talk by my question (on the unusual strange mountainous landscapes in orange, purple and other untypical colors) "Where do you draw your inspiration from on these paintings?" his answer was "Astro Projection" and he graciously explained
the concept of travel to different worlds to me.
We went with him sharing that he was a Warlock, head of a Coven (13) and introduced me to 2 of his associate Witches, one that he said upon introduction was writing a book on the subject, going on to explain that they were "White Witches" and the difference from "Black Witchcraft". This and other knowledge he shared is considered one of the greatest interactions of my life. Since then I have had my own out of body experiences and do not doubt his sharing.
During the visit as a poor teenager I told him I wish I could afford to purchase something of his. He went to the back room and brought out a glass pint of water with a cork and his custom black and white label containing much humorous copy. He sold it for $1.00. He told me to keep it because it would increase in value. Years later as an adult I called him from afar, relaying the story and asked him how much the bottle was not worth. His brilliant reply was 'Is it personally worth more to you now?' I answered yes, tremendously as a momemto of time shared, he replied 'so there it has gone up in value'. Great humor, great man.
I would like to purchase one of his paintings now at around the above prices----contact me at gcoale@cableone.net
Coincidence, strange?
At a little after 2am this morning I was widely awakened with the loud sound of like a pipe wrench hitting hard and sharp on my house's metal pipes. Sitting straight up in bed I grabbed my wife asking her what that noise was and that I was scared, she responded upset that I woke her that she had heard NOTHING. Me not thinking on it shared it with a friend who said maybe it was Mr. Van Dercar giving me a 'shout out'since I wrote on this site yesterday.
Quite likely I choose to believe. Here's to you Van Dercar!
Lew was amazing! I was just talking to one of my students about his amazing sculptures all around Miami and how they all looked just like him! I then googled his name and was led to this site; it was very nice to read through it all, as well as the comments! I wonder what he would say if he were here today, maybe he will visit me on an astral plane and let me know! Peace to all, and a good stiff drink of rum in his wonderful memory!
As a kid and teenager, I grew up on the west side of N. Miami. I remember the dragon he sculpted and put on display at Denmarks Art Stone company. It faced NW 7th Ave. I grew up fascinated with it. Recently I passed the place while driving along I95 and was dismayed to see that Denmarks had closed, that the place was overgrown with weeds and shrubs. I couldn't see the huge dragon statue. I hope it's found a deserving home.
I only met Lew once many years ago when my then sister in-law suggested we visited his place. It was a truly great experience.
After looking the the paintings he had for sale that afternoon, i realized his uniqueness. While talking to him about his lifetime experiences to date, I took a chance and asked him if he had any piece that really inspired him that was not for sale.
He paused and said "only one, and it is sacred in my heart"
When IU asked why, he said the serenity of the piece instilled a sense of calm, and that calm was his internal mechanism to think of and start a new piece.
I told him Ii understood his feelings because growing up I had a picture of my dad and I sitting around a campfire, and my dad explaining to me what to look for in the upcoming chapters of my life.
A strange look came over Lews face and after about five minutes of me telling him about my father, he went into a dark room and came out with a painting. To my amazement, it was called...."The Campfire"....
We both sat there stunned for a few minutes and he then said this belonged in my hands. I offered to pay whatever price he was asking, and he said "it's your's" and shook my hand and said " my serenity as now yours" " may you use it as I have"
And I have....
Great story. Wish I had met the guy.
BTW, I went to Denmarks again from the 7th Ave side and, although it looks shuttered like a ghost town, the Vandercar monumental dragon sculpture is still there. Hope someone saves it. May I suggest the City of North Miami place it in front of the Arch Creek park where he rebuilt the fallen arch many years ago. In fact, I think I'll run that by the mayor.
Hello, my husband was friends with him and I have this unique painting that he gave to my husband many many years ago. It is the ritual of the unicorn and I am selling it, not sure what the value is but it is in good shape.
Gary, he had a way of doing those things. The first time I met him a native of Miami took me to his house. She was a little nervous because she hadn't been there since she was a little girl and she had been scared by the wall. While we were looking at it, he came out of his studio and said, "Hey, Scooter, I haven't seen you in so many years. You're all grown up." She almost fainted. Scooter was her childhood nickname. Lew and I connected immediately and became good friends. I have 2 of his paintings, one of which he did especially for me to resemble one that my husband had taken in our divorce. It was done by a painter in NY. I loved it and wanted it but my husband wouldn't relent. Next time I visited Lewis, he had a painting that was eerily similar for me. He was so many things to so many people. Had a healing group that was very good at what they did. Don't ask me how I know. We had a seance at his house in Zephyrhills once and it was unreal. Now, we've recently moved and are deciding where to put the paintings. My little statues are out on the patio protecting us. If you ever visited him after he moved to Zephyrhils, he had a gate at the edge of his property. The sign on it said, "He who steals from me shall have the foulest of luck." He never had to lock his doors. Of course, the bark of his great Dane, Zeus, didn't hurt, either.
The statues are still there in the corner of the former Denmark's.it appears that development is taking place as I write this post. If anyone is able to save his artwork it would be a gift to society. Time is of the essence.
I ran this by the Scott Galvin, the mayor of North Miami, a couple of months ago, suggesting it be moved by the city and placed in front of the Arch Creek Park street entrance where Vandercar was hired maybe 40-years ago to repair the park's namesake arch which had collapsed. He did such a great job that you'd never know it's fake. This is Galvin's reply from Jan 28, 2017: "That's interesting info, Dave! I've copied NMPD on this email. They've been keeping tabs on the Denmark property and can probably tell us what's happening there." As you can see, he didn't show much interest in the idea of saving and moving the sculpture. Perhaps you-- and others who read this blog-- might want to follow up and put some pressure on saving the sculptures. If you want to organize, I'll be happy to join up on such a worthy cause.
I think I now know why NM mayor Scott Galvin essentially ignored my suggestion of moving Vandercar's monumental sculpture to Arch Creek: he had other plans for the entrance to the park. http://hrld.us/2lNISNC Scott is gay and although everybody deserves a monument, instead of putting the one he chose for Arch Creek, he could have placed it in front of the MOCA museum which would have been more appropriate. And so it goes...
In 1968 I met VanDercar. He lived a couple of blocks from where I lived in a studio on Key Biscayne. A friend and I wandered into his studio while on a walk, and he invited us to a seance that evening in his home. Now, let me say that I am a skeptic about all things supernatural, though I do believe there are some events that we cannot explain. So lights down, candles lit, and hands joined. I was seated to VanDercar's left, so was close to the "action", so to speak. First, the table levitated; then when I looked at him, he turned into my father (from whom I was estranged), then other stuff happened and the seance was over. So I am looking at some of his artwork, and I keep hearing a snapping that jumps from one side of my head to the other....and follows me through the rooms. VanDercar said it was his poltergeist who was jealous of any attention he gave others. I figured that was his nice way of saying it was time for me to leave. So I said my goodbyes, and walking across the wide open expanse of a field that was about 2 blocks long toward my department, and darned if that snapping didn't follow me home! Never could figure out what really went on. Some say hypnotism, but talented hypnotists have tried since to hypnotize me (really wanted to quit smoking, and trying to get rid of tension), but not able to. So I am glad I at least saw this site and the PERSON was real, at least! Happy Halloween everyone!.
MiamiNana, Although he was an excellent hypnotist, what you experienced does not sound like one of his sessions. I am unable to be hypnotized either and I watched him hypnotize a whole room of people in his studio one Friday evening by switching his normal speaking voice to the poem Jabberwocke. Heads lulled down until he finished and snapped his fingers. I was standing in the back of the room and he winked at me. It was my first time attending one of his Friday night lectures, as he called them. I have seen some amazing things that I won't describe because nobody would believe them and when he moved from Miami to Zephyrhills, I went back to NJ for a short time. Then moved to Tampa to be closer to him. We were very close friends although I was only in my 20s. I learned so much from him, he had a tremendous sense of humor that most people didn't get because they were lost in the fascination and sometimes was just playing tricks for fun. But the seance experience I had was real, a major healing experience took place in my life when I called him from NJ before I was undergoing a very serious surgery. The doctor was amazed at the quick results but I was not. Enjoy the memory and cherish it. The seance was not hypnosis.
Thank you Susan Cross, for sharing. I, too, was in my early 20s. As I said, I am a skeptic, but I am also an Atheist because I don't have to know why the universe works as it does without galaxies crashing into each other. I just enjoy the result. The time I knew him, though not as intimately as you did, was interesting and became part of the fabric of who I am. Have a wonderful day. Wish he were still here and could help me battle the demon of nicotine addiction. And I do remember the humor, which made knowing him so enjoyable.
I was an atheist when I met him so that was never an issue between us. We never discussed religion. Back then, we referred to the universe as if were god; referred to ourselves as children of the universe and said things like the universe will take care of it. That was in the 1970s. I think I made comments above that explain more but I'm not going back up to read them. I think you get my drift. I am fortunate to have no addictions but he is not the right person to free you from them. He would have given you a trick or trigger to use. Try something simple. Every time you go to light up, hear his voice or his fingers snapping telling you not to do it. It's really a self-hypnosis type of trigger and close your eyes, hear his voice or the snapping, and see if it helps. His wife was a heavy smoker. I was surprised when he died. I thought he would live much longer. He used to tell people he was 112 years old, or something like that. Everyone believed him. If I remember correctly he was 69 when he had the massive coronary that killed him.
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Enjoyed Vandercar, and am enjoying his continued following. Would that more people interacted with people, instead of taking our government apart.
I have some of his ashes in a bottle the gave out at his funeral
Now that's an idea! Never thought of that. Could be a funny "parting gifts" thing for anyone who might show up for my funeral. After all, isn't life one big "game show'? :)
Ron Shaver, I do, too. You must have been at the celebration of his life when his son spoke about him then invited people who attended to get up and say something about Lewis and how he had affected them. Nobody moved. The media was there. Since nobody wanted to be the first, I stood up and spoke a few short sentences, dipped my bottle into the box of ashes and only filled the bottom, as his son, David, instructed me to do. As soon as I had done so, I walked quickly away, off the property for the last time, crying. Before the service/ceremony, I had spent some time up on the 'sun roof' of the house with a young man from Sweden or Switzerland who had visited and studied under him. We had grown to be friends during his time living there. As a current friend of mine says, my feeling that day was "Goodbye for now."
I found this in Gainesville several years ago. I've loved it ever since, but I've always wondered if it was made by Lewis Vandercar. Any feedback or direction would be much appreciated..thanks can't attach photo so i guess if anybody is interested email and i will send it to you
Update on Vandercar monumental sculptures in N Miami (with archival video of him at work on the Arch Creek Bridge): https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10219852254287087&set=a.10205118864681555&type=3&theater&ifg=1
I discovered Vandercar through his artwork being featured on 3 Nasty Savage album covers. I have his "eyeball fish" tattooed on my left arm. I'd love to own one of his paintings or have one of his poltergeists. Wish I'd have met him. He reminds me a lot of my deceased best friend who introduced me to surrealist artists Dali, Escher, Bosch and Giger. R.I.P.
I knew Vandercar very well from my teen years I spent a lot of time in the house He was an amazing Witch I'm also a natural born Witch we had a lot in common we had so much fun together. I was studying art at the time. Fell in love with his work at the age of 15 He still walks in the city of Miami. Blessed Be to an incredible Witch. So Mote It Be.
My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on (daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.
Aside from the in inconstancies in “Unknown’s” posts, I would like to say that the memories shared here by others have brought me joy in the have further enriched our picture of an interesting and exciting person we have met or known
This last post disturbs me because this site is sharing experience, not business referrals. Incidentally, I too was a single mom who had to start over with nothing. It didn’t take $300,000 to do it.
I thought he had something to do with a place called Storytown. A children's park in upstate NY that had large sculptures of fairytale characters
My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on (daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.
My friends and I spent a bit of time at his dome home in Zephyrhills, FL. He created a painting for me , called Rivendale. He called my mom and let her know it was finished; and I could have it. I was away, out of state. I never got to pick it up. I have always regretted it. I never even got to see it. 🤗❤
My friends and I spent a bit of time at his dome home in Zephyrhills, FL. He created a painting for me , called Rivendale. He called my mom and let her know it was finished; and I could have it. I was away, out of state. I never got to pick it up. I have always regretted it. I never even got to see it. 🤗❤
I met Mr. Vandecars in late 70s or early 80s. My sister knew him and wanted me to see his home. He almost painted my picture but time got away from us. He had a monkey on the property that was somewhat onery. He took us to the piano room and asked if I knew what the constellation painted on the ceiling was...he said a child will be the one who figures it out. I loved this man...it was like we had known him for years. Wish I had a small bit of his art to remember him by. An amazing fun and kind soul.
Didnt attach my name above
Finally got it
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The address mentioned, 331 NW 18th Street is Not in the Morningside area of Miami, but if accurate would be in the heart of the most dangerous area of Miami which is called "Overtown". I kind of doubt that he lived there, again that is not in snobby " Morningside ".
Try NE instead of NW and you get an address that could have been his. Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/331+NE+18th+St,+Homestead,+FL+33030/@25.793873,-80.1896705,485m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x88d9b6a83baa1431:0xf7777ab243b56487!8m2!3d25.793873!4d-80.188383!16s%2Fg%2F11c26qj25_?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI1MDExMC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D
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