Thursday, January 19, 2012

You Grew Up in South Miami if you remember...........

The Holsum Bakery and Restaurant on US 1
Joe's News on Sunset Drive
Connie Banko's swimsuit shop
Feeding the ducks at the Duck Pond
Dante Fascell Park where he served hotdogs and hamburgers on the 4th of July
Robert's Western Wear for saddles, bridles and all sorts of western gear
Sunset Drugs and the lunch counter there..yum!
Sunset Elementary
The old coral rock South Miami Library
Parrot Jungle and the parrots roosting on our trees before heading back there every night
The Depot Restaurant
Zips Sporting Goods
Doc's Feed Store
Kids riding their ponies down Red Road
Orr's Pond when it was a homestead and not a walled community!
The College Inn restaurant for tasty sandwhiches
Bob's Pipe and Tobacco store
Gardener's market on Red Road
Chief Tatum and the tough but lovable South Miami cops on the beat
Pencil Pines where Robert Frost spent his winter months
The Howard Johnson's Restaurant on US 1 with the all you can eat catfish lunch on Teusdays
The Moderne Book Shop on US 1
and Finally, Fox's Serron Inn that IS STILL THERE and serving tasty burgers and roast beef still!


Sparroweye said...

I remember Sunset Drugs. Was it on Bird Road not too far from Coral Way. We lived on 41 st street off Bird Road when I was 7 or 8. I went to Fairchild elementary for a brief period.

Dave said...

Hi Sparroweye: You are probably thinking of Allen's Drug Store on the southwest corner of Bird Road and Red Road. The Sunset Drug Store is on the southeast corner of Sunset Drive and Red Road. Both had luch counters in those days and Allen's still does to this day.

Sparroweye said...

Yes, Allens Drugs. I could walk there from my 41st street house. They had a huge candy selection and a soda bar. And I think there was a Deweese bar up there my Daddy liked to frequent. Lol.

Sparroweye said...

By the way. We drove down Miracle Mile in Coral Gables in our 35 ft RV. It was a trip. With all those electric cable cars. But the old Sear's store is still there on the corner. Get a pic of that would you. It's a landmark too.

Sparroweye said...

My brother just informed me that Deweese was a drug store where we drank cherry cokes. And Red Bird was the bar our Dad hung out at, with many of the neighbors like The Millers. Had a friend named Trudy Miller who lived right behind us at 41st and Bird Road.

Dave said...

Sparroweye: I can't remember Deweese at all. Your brother is right about the Red Bird Bar, it was on the corner of Ludlam Road (67th Avenue) and Bird Road. It was the neighborhood bar in that area and was owned by an italian family named Leonardi. I think his name was Leo. It was there until the 90's and renamed as Sid's Piano bar. Today it is a Papa John's Pizza store. Most of these neighborhood bars went the way of the dodo bird I'm afaid. The only one left in the area is Duffy's Tavern on Red Road and 21st Street just north of Coral Way.

A Lone Wolf said...

I grew up in the Grove, my father grew up on Palm Island and my grandfather built most of the early landmarks in Miami and the Gables. The old Kress 5&10, where I spent my first allowance is now a Ceviche resturant...who'da thunk it.

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Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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Unknown said...

I discovered your blog via Google while looking for a related subject, lucky for me your blog came up, its a great blog. I have bookmarked it in my Google bookmarks. You really are a phenomenal person with a brilliant mind! -

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Dave said...

Thanks for the kind words Cristina! I will try to be more involved on the blog but time is so short these days!

Dave said...

Thanks for the kind words Cristina! I will try to be more involved on the blog but time is so short these days!

wordshiner said...

I remember the Moderne Book Store--or was it Book Shop?--very well. Large stock, but my friends and I tried ot avoid it because the owner was so rude.

wordshiner said...

I remember most of those spots, and especially the Moderne Book--was it Shop or Store?--on Sunset. They had a large stock but like most of my friends, I tried to avoid it because the owner was so unpleasant.

wordshiner said...

Does anyone remember the Old Book Shop on South Dixie Highway? It moved to Commodore Plaza in the Grove. If you recall anything about its owner, Maggie Donovan DuPriest, please let me know--I'm about to publish a memoir: "Frangipani Nights: Remembering Maggie."

Unknown said...

Well Dave, you aren't quite as old as me. My school clothes came from Foster's Department Store on Sunset. I lived on the corner of 70th St and 61 avenue. When I was young - before metro Dade - it was 301 NE 2nd St South Miami. It's a parking lot for Larkins Hospital now but the old sausage tree is still there on 61 ave. I dated Chief Tatum's daughter Claudia - she lives in Port St Lucie these days. Just saw her in May. We bought traps at Denning's Hardware and trapped possums and sold them on Saturday mornings back behind the old Collins' Grocery Store. $1 for a live one and 50 cents if they were dead. My dad bought a Christmas tree every year from the old OK Feed Store when it was on Sunset next to Fosters.

Unknown said...

Was there another news stand besides Joes in South Miami? Or maybe it was a tobacco shop that sold newspapers?

nobikinihere said...

I received a catalog of mostly bikini's today. It got me thinking about a few things..1st off, I live in Maine so no bikini's for @ least 6 months, 2nd, I wouldn't dare wear one @ this stage in my life & 3rd, Connie Banko..what ever happened to Connie Banko? I happened on this site!
Grew up very close to the intersection of Red & Sunset...Holsum Bakery, a chinese rest on the corner of Red & Dixie Highway, a Citco gas station on the opposite corner, The Stash Bag, Circle Hair, Polly Hill Realty, Sunset Drugs, mom worked at Gardner's, got her hair done @ Mr. Frank's, I believe that was the name of the salon & many other businesses!!
I'd love to speak with someone who lived there around the same time!
I went to Ponce & Gables High, used to catch the bus in front of a 5 & 10 store across from Sunset Drugs....oh my, just thought of grog legs @ Fox's!!
When we moved there the post office was in the building where Your Father's Moustache was....lots of memories!!

Unknown said...

So I am probably a bit younger than most but I will do my best. A few things that I haven't heard, here is my list...McRory's Five and Ten cent, Woolworth's and Lina's shoes in Miracle Mile, the Plitt Gables Theater, Grand Union Grocery, The Little General, Neighbors,Velvet Cream Doughnuts, Zayres, Pantry Pride, Wuvs, Jackson Byron, Jordan Marsh, Tom McAnn, The movie theater on Coral Way near three point circle, the Riviera on US 1, Burdines, Sambos, The Ranch House, Mister Donut, The candy counter at Sears, and the Army Navy Store on Flagler and 37th Ave. Quick Check, which later became Winn Dixie. A Chryler Plymouth dealership on Coral Way where Terrabank is/was. Did I leave out Velvet Cream Doughnuts ? The Victoria Station, The Drive in (later flea market) on Bird Road, Big Daddys (I think)? The Serpentarium, just to name a few...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom said...

Anyone remember Leos Spotlight Bar on Sunset Drive. Moved to Miami when I was 10. Lived on SW 80th St. Later moved to Westwood Lake.

cognito said...

Hey, don't stop now.

VitaminSea said...

Found your blog through google while trying to find a restaurant we used to go to in Coconut Grove. I grew up in South MIami also. Went to Sunset Elem, LIved off Red Road near Sunset Drive. Great memories here!

Cindi said...

Driving on Old Cutler Rd while thousands of crabs were all over the road. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Poor crabs.

Ordnanceguy said...

Good stuff. Fox's Sherron Inn just announced that it is closing July 31, another landmark gone. Others now gone are the OK Feed Store, the Riviera Theater, the Sunset Theater, retailer Judy Leslie, Santacroce's Italian Restaurant on Dixie near the Riviera Theater, Burger Castle across from Holsum, Bernie Blanck Men's Store, Boys' Towne, Spec's Records, Don Allen's men's shop, the library run by the Coco-Plum Women's Club, McDonald's Cleaners, Mo-Del Sinclair Gas station on Red, Grentners, and the Red Sunset 5 & 10. The Dobbs House restaurant on Sunset and the Royal Castle on Dixie were also favorites. There was also a delicatessen on Red Road whose name escapes me now (Lindy's?) and some kind of wacky Asian restaurant at Red and Dixie. There was also a great office supply/stationery shop on Sunset. You can tell that I mis-spent my youth hanging around South Miami on my bike. A 1964 Sunset Elementary graduate.

Susan Andrews Church said...

I was brought up at what is now Orr's Pond. At 6467 Sunset Drive. I was born in 1955, and we left in 1969. We were friends of Elizabeth Orr and her brother Charlie. They of course lived in the lovely old home which is still there being used as an office, I believe. We rented and lived in the white frame house down the loooooong Key Lime lined driveway. It was heaven on earth. I have lots of lovely photos, fortunately. I believed that the estate was to be left to the city as a park. Unfortunately, that did not happen... My folks were George and Barbara Andrews. My dad worked for Eastern Air Lines, and also took care of any mechanical maintenance on the Orr estate. Forty five years later, it brings tears to my eyes to know how blessed we were to be a part of that gorgeous place. George Orr came over from Scotland as contractor of the Deering Estate. He traveled the world and brought back many exotic plants, and turned the Orr's five acres into a paradise. There was a sunken Japanese garden with another small pond. We had a pet duck named Irving on the main pond. A treehouse in the huge Rubber tree. And even a zip line that my dad rigged for us. I still have the old wooded pulley... I think I'm going to cry! Anyone on here who knew us back then? I have lost touch with so many... Please email. ANY of you from Old South Miami! <3

Susan Andrews Church said...

I heard someone mention Sunset Elementary School. Is Ludlam Elementary at Sunset Drive and Ludlum Road, where I went to school, still called Lunlam? We walked from the house. I also went to South Miami Junior High *We biked), and my brother went to Southwest High. I was in Miami a couple of winters ago, but chose not to see Orr's Pond and my old stomping grounds. I think I would have just blubbered...

Tom said...

Moved to Miami in 1954. Started school at Kendall, later called Kenwood. Then to Olympia Heights, then Royal Psalm. Of course Rivera and Southwest to graduate. I knew people at Purina feed store in S.Miami and people on the S.Miami Police dept. I remember when Vizzini was chief. I worked at Winn Dixie at 87th and Bird Road while in high school. I cruised around the drive in's especially on Bird Road. Pizza Hut, Pizza Palace etc.

I occasionally stop and reflect on how lucky I was to grow up in Miami during those 10 years. Happy Times.

Tommy said...

I remember Leo's Spotlight bar. It was on Sunset Drive at 102nd Avenue on the south side of the road.
Me and a buddy would go there to get a beer back in high school. We were underage, but nobody cared.
One unfortunate evening, the bartender got our attention and pointed to a man seated at the end of the bar, staring at us.
It was our high school principal. He was not pleased. said...

Sid's was owned by pianist extraordinaire Sidney Gilmour. I had the pleasure of working with him years later at The Palace of Kendall. A wonderful British gentleman with a handlebar moustache and amazing stories. I miss him. Pamela Parker

Unknown said...

I grew up between Perrine, and the South Miami side, Graduating from Miami Palmetto Senior High. I remember when Cutler Ridge Mall was a fun place to shop and hang with friends before the FILTHY Gang Violence, which is why they closed the Movie Theater there, I remember hearing about the shoot-outs there. I remember the 1st Teen Night Club Sneakers,which I always wanted to go but couldn't because GANGS broke out there as well. But on the more lighter side, does ANYONE remember the "Golden Triangle" Store? Which I believe became a Home Depot?(not totally sure on that). But I do remember it. How about Therman's Restaurant?

Unknown said...

How about Uncle Erik's Happy Town Store? Anyone remember that? Way before Lionel Playworld, and ToysRus took over.

Tom said...

Anyone remember Hurricane Donna? We lived in Westwood Lake sub division. My brother having to go outside to latch one side of an awning. I laughed my butt off as he was bouncing around trying to get it done which he did.

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Unknown said...

I remember Golden Triangle. Across from Dadeland. Opened in 1970 I think. Also remember Thurman's Restaurant. There ended up being 2 of them. One in S. Miami and the other in Perrine. They were open all night! Late night stoner and drunken hangout. Anyone remember the Formosa Chinese Restaurant on us1 and red road?

Unknown said...

I lived east of Coral Gables, but fondly remember going to the Book Rack just off Red Road in the early 70s to scout out used comic books. And someone mentioned the Formosa Chinese- this was my family's go-to place, we went there at a minimum once a month, usually more. I would kill for a metal dish of their house fried rice with the obligatory duck sauce, if only for the great memories it would evoke. Not sure when they closed, but we gravitated to going to Canton, both the one on Dixie, since my sister lived behind Dadeland mall, and the one on Ponce. Been out of Miami since '81, but went back to Canton last year- their honey chicken is still among the best on the planet.

tacoman said...

I remember Skipper Chuck playing with his band in Dadeland in front of the waterhorse (dragon or waterever it was) at the center of the mall back in the days when it was open-air. Having onion bunions at KC Kagney's, drinking beer at the Rat Skeller at UofM on my buddies Dad's lifetime member card, the Coconut farm on Key Biscatne, Kret 5&10 on Key Biscayne, Mrs. Duttenhoffer (or Mrs. Virrick) picking me up in the VW vanagon to take me to preschool at the Elliott School in South Miami, eating pickles at Marshall Majors, driving by the Holsum Bakery, Riviera Movie theater, sneaking into the Biltmore hotel when it was still painted all white because it was a VA hospital, the 7 Seas on Red Road, all you can eat clams at Howard Johnson's on US1, surfing on South Beach when the dogtrack and concrete peer were still there, Joe's Stonecrabs and the old main entrance on 1st Street, Graduating from Ransom, Stiltsville parties, walking through Burdines at Dadeand to get from one side of the mall to the other, Betsy, my dog Snowflake, living on 94th street off of Ludlam, Key Biscaybe and CG, Cozoli's Pizza in the Grove, Mr. Neale's game parlor in the grove, The Village Inn, jumping off the bridge on Cutler road at the circle, sailing in the bay, The Mutiny, Dinner Key, Jimbo's, Scotty's, The SHARK (not the stupid dolphins), clamming on the causway to the Key, sneaking into the marine stadium east side through the mangroves to watch the races up close and getting thrown out by the cops, President Nixon when he came to KB, the Key Biscayne Hotel, the lighthouse, when the Zoo was on Key Biscayne and I rode the little train, the Merry Go Round at Crandon, the segregated beach on Virginia Key at Bear Cut, the Keys and Card Sound Road...I could go on forever. Miss it all terribly...

tacoman said...

White Castle on US1, Blimpie's, D'Pizza, Your Father's Mustache...btw, you have to pay $1.50/hr to park anywhere on the street in South Miami now.

Unknown said...

How remembers the ice company where you could buy blocks of ice on so dixie and douglas rd I think theres a walgreen now

Unknown said...

Remember the fun shpws during the summer at tje Gables and Coral theates

Unknown said...

Tony's Cove on Miracle Mile mens clothes

Four J Events Club said...

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Mike Ewald said...


Geoff, Tacoman and everyone else....
thanks for all the awesome memories !

~It seems now that the odd Saturday afternoon air-raid siren, that we could easily hear from around Dante Fascell Park, should have stayed on the roof of the Riviera Theatre......


NORM! (tm) said...

I don't remember another newsstand in South Miami, but I remember frequenting two Joe's News locations: one on Sunset Drive and another on SW 97th Avenue near North Kendall Drive in a plaza which also had a Carvel Ice Cream shop, a shoe store, Five Dimes/Dames restaurant, Winn Dixie, and a Super X drugstore.

Unknown said...

I was born and raised in Miami, I'm so happy I happened on this blog. Love the reminiscing....remember the Newspaper Machines that trusted that you would only take one copy because back then most people were honest & trustworthy, even when no one was looking. Remember the 2 Movie Theatres on Ponce de Leon in Coral Gables? I think one was called the Coral and the other the Gables (how original!) I remember going to the Riviera Cinema on S Dixie Highway and especially going to see scary Midnight Movies as a teenager. I remember growing up on my neighborhood street and spending all of my time outside with my friends. Riding my bike, catching insects, lizards and tadpoles and climbing trees. I remember going to the grocery store with my Mom and turning in glass bottles and getting S & H stamps. I loved my childhood, so many beautiful memories of Miami, truly the Magic City.

Unknown said...

I also went to David Fairchild Elementary.lived on 49th St. and 58th ave.years(65' to 67') When were you there?

Unknown said...

Do you remember Billy Villa and his Sister Lilly?They lived in the Big 2 Story House on 41st Terr and Red Road?Also knew Alot of people in the Area.Treudeao's(Lenore and siblings?

Unknown said...

Do you remember my cousin Mike Boyle, Friends Richie Higgins,Barry Miller, Randy Nobles,Carol Pringle and the Rebozo''???♥️✌️😁

Unknown said...

My Cousin (Mike Boyle)lived on 64th CT.just one block North of Sunset Rd.I know Richie High-end, Barry Miller, Carol Pringle,Randy Nobles, Stevie and Donnie Rebozo and more.♥️✌️😁 li oo

Unknown said...

Your Name is really familiar with me.My Cousins names are Mike and Patty Boyle (lived on 64th CT.)1 block North of Sunset Dr.I know Richie Higgins,Barry Miller,Randy Nobles,Carol Pringle,The Rebozo's and more.♥️✌️😁

Unknown said...

What about Marshall Majors and Swensons

Unknown said...

What about Marshall Majors, Swensons, and the Riviera Movie Theater. What was the name of the movie theater next to Foxes?

Unknown said...

Andy Sir Dolphin in the same strip mall as Swensons and I think a Peaches record store.

Mike Ewald said...

Sunset Theater.......

All the cool places are gone.


tacoman said...

Is that the Ewald from Ransom?

Mike Ewald said...

Bob Ewald is one of my younger brothers.....
and my nephew Thomas Willis also attended Ransom--
and he is now a coach for some of the boys sports teams !


Mike Ewald said...

BUT.....a very important reminder--our mom worked for Ransom Everglades for many years, and is fondly remembered by many students and staff for her warmth and genuine support.


tacoman said...


I went to school with your brother Bob. I'm from the class of 79. Paul Donner. Say hi to Bob for me. I recently went back for my 40th reunion (the first one I have ever attended).
I think your mom worked at the middle school. The only real contact I had with the middle school was that we used their waterfront lot for soccer practice sometimes and my younger sister went there for a year or two. I get back from time-time as I started a company down there. However, with COVID looks like I won't be back for a while unfortunately. Live in New Mex. these days. It is nice to get back to the water but boy have things changed.

Take Care,


maggie said...

Curious, what are dead 'Possums good for other than fertilizer? Also, my doggos might dig up & get heaven knows what?

maggie said...

Interesting to me, that this late, we STILL remember the area fondly. Would still live there if had enough $ & husband would move w/my whims!😉🤗

Four J Party said...

Really useful stuff. Keep on posting related topics. Waiting for your next update.
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Mike Ewald said...

~I still have un-fond memories of stalkers that seemed to always be around, waiting for any opportunity to pounce on young teenage boys.~

My sincere apology for disturbing the positive flow.


Susan Andrews Church said...

Where are Mike and Patty???? They were my neighbors! I grew up on the neighboring Orr estate.

Susan Andrews Church said...

I so hope you see this! I am just now seeing your post. So very sorry! I would love to be in touch.

Susan Andrews Church said...

Mini Nobles was Randy’s mom? My mom, Barbara Andrews, was a Cub Scout den mother, and we had meetings at our home on the Orr estate. Mike will remember that. :-)

Unknown said...

I bartendered at Your Father's Mustache in 1986-1989 for Bill $ Sally.

mahmoud said...

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للشركات التجارية والمؤسسات
سعر برنامج حسابات

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الحسابات الختامية

الميزانية العمومية

برنامج إدارة الموارد البشرية

سعر برنامج حسابات

برنامج إدارة شركات الأدوية

سعر برنامج حسابات

Mike Ewald said...

Nancy Ewald too.

Any photos of Sid ?


Unknown said...

My dad was one of the 13 South Miami policemen under Chief Tatum in the 50's, 60's....til 1970 when corruption took over.

Unknown said...

Email is rather than gmail which I never use.

Henway said...

Remember Hot Shoppes Drive-in on US1, Dorn Martin Drug Store Sunset Drive, 5 and Dime across the street. Riviera Theater, Dennings Hardware was on US1 and Sunset Drive then moved west across from the library. WFUN Radio studio built next to Dennings. Holsum Bakery Thrift Store. The smell of baking bread. SW High School Homecoming Parade down Sunset Dr.

Chili said...

I grew up in Miami Beach and I remember...
Fun Fair in Treasure Island
Food Fair grocery stores
Bowlerama on 79th St Causeway
Boulevard movie Theatre
Juniors Restaurant
Ollie's Restaurant
7-11 stores were open at 7am and closed at 11pm
Very few if any convenient stores and gas stations were open 24 hours
The Place for Steak on Harbor Island, North Bay Village
Parhams Restaurant on Miami Beach
Cue and Cushion pool hall 79th St
Eddies and Sams newstands on Normandy Isle
House doors were left unlocked when you were awake at home